Saturday, February 21, 2009

Outdoor Adventures

We bought Lancelot a harness so he can come outside with us. He enjoys sitting on the back porch. Today there were some ducks out there too! Boy did he find them interesting!

Aside from that, he pretty much just sits in the shade and enjoys the breeze.

Lancelot also enjoys stalking small prey in the grass. (even if they are imaginary.)

Kevin and Lancelot!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lancelot's Photo Shoot

Kevin has been working on his photography. Lancelot was the subject of his latest photo shoot. Here are some of my favorite images.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Umm.. did you forget who's king of this castle?

Lancelot is a cat. We don't really expect him to listen to us, but there are a few rules he must follow or else he faces the spray bottle. (Cats hate water.) Jumping on top of the fridge or kitchen counters is one of those rules. I can usually get him to behave, but for whatever reason the cat is especially rebellious against Kevin.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Here Comes the Bride

The crinoline for my wedding dress came in the mail today. Apparently, Lancelot thought he's the bride. He fit it on for size, but I think it's too big.

Eventually doodle cat realized it doesn't fit and decided it's not for wearing. It's actually a big white marshmellow cave to play in.

The only way to get him to stop shredding it to pieces?


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sleepy Cat

Cats sleep in the strangest places in the weirdest contortionist positions. While Lancelot often passes out in random tight spaces, he's been enjoying his bed lately.

We bought the bed for him on the day we brought him home from the shelter. For several months he wouldn't touch it, but now he's in love with it.

There's really no point to this post. I just wanted everyone to say awe!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cat Scratch Fever!

When my sister came over a few weeks ago we realized that Lancelot is afraid of strangers. When he's uncomfortable, the cat runs into the bedroom, hides for a while, then casually comes down to play. Once he realizes you won't eat him, I promise that he is an amazing
However, we learned this weekend that little Lancerdoodle (that's my nickname for him).. is seriously afraid of kids!
Two kids came to visit us this week and the cat completely freaked out. Kevin says the boys chased him a little, but they never did anything to harm him and they did not play rough.

Kevin and I decided we weren't cool with Lancelot being a scaredy cat, so we decided to bring him down the stairs and MAKE him have a good time!

The result?

My arm...

Kevin's back...

No Further Text!!

An Introduction to Lancelot

For those who don't know. Lancelot is our eight month old kitten. We got him from a shelter in August 2008.

Like any kitten, he loves to play...especially with toilet paper. Good luck wiping your butt with this!

And he LOVES to scratch on the shower door. If we let him inside, he prefers to drink the soapy water, but doesn't actually like getting wet.

Lancelot also enjoys reading. Science Fiction is his favorite genre. He has trouble turning the pages though, because he doesn't have thumbs.

Playtime is always fun too. If you'd like to follow the adventure of Lancelot..stay tuned!